Tuesday, December 8, 2009

vegans enjoy cupcakes too

...Especially vanilla ones with chocolate icing.

In other news, I'm waiting for something. You know how difficult waiting for something major is? Of course. Well I feel like I've been antsy hyped for 72 hours just stuck in this waiting period. How vulnerable.

Everyone should ride a bicycle, and take it on the L at least once in their city cycling career. I got a flat tire last night cruising down the West Side Hudson River parkway and had to hop on the L to get home. I thought it was going to be quite an adventurous mess but it was actually a fairly pleasant and immediate conversation starter. This nice man talked about how he "used to ride one of these" in his home country, the Dominican. Then he said his children used to ride them too. I didn't have the guts to ask if his kids were here or in the Dominican still. Maybe I didn't want to know the answer, just in case.
Another gentleman got on, a bit younger than the first, closer to my age possibly. He was enthusiastic from the moment he saw the bike. "You ride in this weather?!" "Of course! All the time." He thought I was nuts. It wasn't snowing or raining out, just freezing. "What are you doing out riding around this late? Coming home from work? What are you, a crime-fighter or something?"
I tell him that yes I fight crime because "I'm actually a superhero."

This morning a superhero crosses her fingers in the hopes that she doesn't have to change her tire tube.


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